We’re going back to our roots of social interaction. Our online choices are driving the world wide web away from the use of stagnant websites and into offering interactive and personalized experiences.
Since the explosion of the use of social networking sites and online communities, companies have seen the marketing potential of giving their online customers the dynamic experience they are looking for.
What has changed most noticeably this past year?
Conde Naste announced that Gourmet Magazine was ending publication due to the increased popularity of online recipe sharing (Boston Globe: The Mourning After).
As more consumers rely on blogs for unbaised information on products, the FTC introduces guidlines on the swank given to dedicated bloggers (Why the FTC’s Truth in Blogging…).
Still, there are some that are missing this new wave of web presence revitalization. While major brands and major search engines offer almost every way of staying connected and personalizing web spaces from chat, personal settings and layout to notifications and specialized news alerts – aka Nike.com – smaller businesses, nonprofits and even natural communities like schools and cities are missing the mark. Even an up-to-date Facebook fan page or Ning free community website could add interactivity and direct communication to the target audience.
If you’re one of these organization – check out the Top 20 Free Online Tools for ideas on how to make your web presence an interactive space for your audience and consumers.