07/23/2015 |
Uncategorized |
Juan |
Comments Off on Structured Markup – Schema.org, Rich Snippets and Lady Gaga
The benefits of structured markup for SEO have long been lauded, though often without much concrete details. After conducting a test we’re able to pinpoint some correlations...
07/23/2015 |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
Juan |
Comments Off on Guide to Page Speed Insights for SEO
Since April 2010, Google has started taking load time into account when ranking sites, to help in populating results for Google searches (aka SERPs or Search Engine Results...
07/23/2015 |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
Juan |
Comments Off on Mobile SEO Takes Center Stage
Cat’s out of the bag. The world knows your secret. The secret that you haven’t invested in creating a mobile-friendly site. View image | gettyimages.com Google...
07/23/2015 |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
Juan |
Comments Off on 6 Data Sources for Customer Driven Content
“Do users tell stories through data?” may seem as outlandish a question as “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?“. Yet, we know that users do indeed tell stories through...
07/16/2013 |
Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
Juan |
Comments Off on Value Driven Internet Marketing
While some are harking on about whether SEO is dead or what the newest form of safe link building is others (like the crowd and speakers at MozCon last week) believe that value...
08/10/2012 |
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) |
Juan |
Comments Off on SEO Analysis: A do-it-yourself guide to the initial analysis
A step-by-step guide to empower people to be able to get some unbiased information that really shows how your site is doing, using free tools...