12/10/2012 |
Uncategorized |
Juan |
Comments Off on 5 Reasons to Embrace Responsive Design
Let’s start with addressing the premise – Why care about responsive design or designing for mobile visitors to your site and what is responsive web design? First of...
11/03/2009 |
marketing, Social Media Networking, Uncategorized |
Juan |
Comments Off on We’re Social Creatures: The Revolutionizing of the World Wide Web
We’re going back to our roots of social interaction. Our online choices are driving the world wide web away from the use of stagnant websites and into offering interactive...
09/29/2009 |
Uncategorized |
Juan |
Comments Off on Teaching through Blogs
Blogs provide a way to share information that can reinforce what students are learning in the classroom or the advice that one is giving to his/her clients. Blogs can also provide...